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Ektoras Binikos Studio


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           AXIS MUNDI
"Nehushtan", 2011, 42 x 75  inches each, Indian ink on velum.Bonjur! and Bonne Nuit! 2010,12 x 17 inches each, archival ink on artagain paper, edition of 7Celestis (petite liturgy)
2011,42" x 60", Indian ink,colored pencils on paperCelestis, (anchor) 2001, 22 x 40 inches, Indian ink and China marker on paper."Celestis" (Alexander Helios/Αλέξανδρος Ήλιος ) 2011, 40 x 60 inches, Indian ink and oil on canvas."Celectis" (Cleopatra Selene/ Κλεοπάτρα Σελήνη)
2011,40 x 60  Indian ink,China marker and oil  on canvas.NINE & FIVE (two portals)
2011, 30 x 40, Indian ink and oil  on canvas.UNTITLED (map)
2011,Indian ink, water colors,China marker on paper, 40" x 30"POLYAXON
2011, Indian ink, water colors, China markers on paper.,40" x 30""Hyper-aware Buddha"
2011, 30" x 40", Indian ink, water colors on paper."Another Heavenly Day" 2011,mural, approximately 7 x 10 ft, inks and acrylic on dry wall.Lady with Parasol, 2011, 42 x 65 inches, Indian ink, pastels on paper."Psycho-pomp" (soul-guide)
2011, 10" x 40"x 15", granite, graphite and engraving.
Metamorphism (1)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (2)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (3)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (4)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (5)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (6)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (7)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (8)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (9)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (10)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.Metamorphism (11)
2011, 32” x 42”, Indian ink, dry oil pigment on paper.
 APRIL/SWARM/LAST JUDGMENT                 (a video trilogy) 
Axis Mundi (Navel of the World), the connection between heaven and earth, also represents the place where the four points of the compass come together.
A solo show at the Spencertown Academy, Spencertown, NY, July 30 – August 27, 2011.
"The angular intersection of the two foliations causes a diagnostic texture called a crenulation, which may involve folding of the earlier mica foliations by the later foliation." 
- A series of paintings investigating notions of time,movement, color,repetition, variation and refraction.

1: As the water element dissolves. The external sign is that the mouth and tongue becomes very dry, and the liquids of the body, such as urine, blood, and sperm, decrease; and the internal sign is a smoke-like appearance to the mind.

2: As the fire element dissolves. The external sign of this dissolution is reduced warmth of the body and coldness in the area around the navel, the center of the body’s heat; and the internal sign is a sparkling-fireflies-like appearance.

3: Next the wind element dissolves. The external sign is reduced power of movement due to the decreasing power of the winds that flow through the channels of the body and cause us to generate gross minds; and the internal sign is a candle-flame-like appearance. The mind perceiving this appearance is the last gross mind of death.
"April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain."- T.S. Eliot

"Let chaos storm!
Let cloud shapes swarm!
I wait for form."

- Robert Frost
clouds | form | storms

THE LAST JUDGMENT "The urging of that word "judgment" hath bred a kind of remorse in me." -Shakespeare  

Music: Karleheinz Stockhausen
A visual idea on Karleheinz Stockhausen's seminal work.
The word "Stimmung" means "tuning".
Stimmung implies not only the outward tuning of voices or instruments, but also the inward tuning of one's soul...

   “The Oracle”

 A fairytale opera.
Where is alice? (1)
2011, 32"x 42", graphite and dry oil crayons on paper.Where is alice? (2)
2011, 32"x 42", graphite and dry oil crayons on paper.Where i alice? (3)
2011, 32"x 42", graphite on paper.Where is alice? (4)
2011, 42"x 52", graphite on paper.Where is alice? 5
2011, 22" x 30", graphite and oil pastels on paper.

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The 2 single-channel video installation WHAT AM I? Is based on Descartes's Meditations (Meditation II) The video channels are essentially identical and are to be projected simultaneously on a continuous mode within 10 seconds interval time between them. (Without title or credits) The idea is to create an environment that through repetition the sounds and words come and go, creating an amplified experience of time.

According to Hindu believes the universe is sound. The supreme being brings forth existence through the Word. Creation consists of vibrations at various frequencies and amplitudes, giving rise to the phenomena of the world. The purest vibrations are the var.na, the imperishable letters which are revealed to us by prophets, philosophers and poets imperfectly; as the audible sounds and the visible forms of words.

My first attempt at a performance piece. I covered  my face with honey, mixed with white flour as well as with gold glitter and charcoal around my eyes to look like a round face raccoon! Beuys' piece was created the year I was born and it is still timeless! My explanation of an image to a stuffed hare is few repeated broken sentences, incoherent perhaps to most, but not to my Hare!... 
This performance represents a sort of proportional canon, a technique often employed in the Renaissance.
One sound is notated, and other sounds are derived as a response from that sound.
In this case the notated music is an opera by Karlheinz Stockhausen "Atmen gibt das Leben"  "Breathing gives life
but only singing gives the form"
The work is called: 7 Antiphons (antiphon-counter/voice in Greek)
All antiphons begin with the exclamation O.
Each of the seven Antiphons is assigned to each of the seven rotations of the skull. 
Madness,curious scratches,operatic drama, strange phenomena occurring inside once head...
Edgar Allan Poe: "I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity."